Monday, July 30, 2012

July 2012 air quality

July 2012 preliminary air quality numbers  as measured by the community's three air monitors :

LDEQ's  Ch_Vista and Meraux sites (under 'site data') and Valero's Ventura site.

In the Month of July, residents of St. Bernard Parish suffered from:

Levels of hydrogen sulfide higher than the 1.4 ppb recommended daily exposure. Nine days of hydrogen sulfide levels at or above 10 ppb H2S and two days of hydrogen sulfide levels at or above 30 ppb H2S, with the highest reading at 78 ppb H2S at Valero's Ventura site.  30 ppb H2S is the State of California's limit for H2S.  Louisiana doesnot have a health standard for H2S. 

Three Ozone Action Days where the ozone measured more than 75 ppb O3.

Three days of health standard exceedances for Sulfur Dioxide where the EPA sulfur health standard of 75 ppb SO2 was exceeded; the highest reading of 134.9 ppb SO2 as measured at LDEQ's Ch_Vista site.   Twenty-two days where the sulfur level exceeded 12 ppb SO2, the level LDEQ stated triggered headaches and adverse quality of life.

Five days of particulate pollution PM10 at or above 100 ug/m3; the highest reading measured at Valero's Ventura monitor at 129 u/m3 PM10.  The national air quality standard for PM10 is 150 ug/m3.

Nine days of fine particulate pollution PM2.5 levels above the standard of 35 ug/m3; the highest reading at LDEQ's CH Vista site of 102 ug/m3 PM2.5


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