Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Benzene levels PBF Energy Chalmette

 EPA's Dashboard Tools for Benzene fence line monitors are available HERE

Select Refinery Name for data.

Under EPA's "Refinery Rules" fence line monitoring data for benzene is reported to the EPA in two week averages for each monitor and also reported in facility wide annual rolling averages. There is no public access to real-time monitoring data and no requirement for community alerts.

On the EPA Dashboard website on the lower right, select the tool monitors  for displays of the physical location of each monitor at the selected refinery. Switch to the tool to monitoring trend for display of the two week averages for each monitor at a facility.

For the 2nd Quarter 2023 at PBF Energy's refinery in Chalmette, Louisiana, the EPA monitoring trend tool indicates numerous two week averages benzene above the EPA "action level" of 9 ug/m3.

One monitor at PBF Energy Chalmette is displayed with 120 ug/m3 as a two week average for the time frame ending May 17 2023.

For more information on the EPA Benzene Fenceline Monitoring Program

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