Monday, May 29, 2023

Risk for Louisiana


A New Geology Risk for Louisiana by George Bond

at Greater New Orleans Interfaith Climate Coalition

Risks of carbon capture and sequestration 

"There are also risks to Louisiana’s landscape. The build-out of CCS will require an expansion of Louisiana’s pipeline network, and we know that pipeline canals are one cause of land loss in Louisiana. A CCS expansion will also lead to the construction of large facilities in Louisiana’s coastal zone, and our coast is becoming a difficult place to work, as ever-more-intense storms strike this increasingly fragile landscape. In my professional view, there are risks associated with CCS that we need to take seriously. I call upon my friends and colleagues in Louisiana’s science community to start investigating the challenges associated with CCS, so that we can have a more informed conversation about the potential trade-offs associated with this new activity slated to occur on our landscape." ---  Alexander S. Kolker, associate professor at the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium

"We want wetlands, not wastelands" -- State Representative Bill Wheat, Louisiana House

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