St Bernard Parish Council's Tuesday December 15, 2009 Meeting, Parish President's report confirmed collapsed cover on storage tank at Murphy Oil in weekend rain events. Corrected action plan includes booms, monitoring and pumping. Update report to include how the oil release was connected to the municipal storm drainage system and accessment of proper notification to parish officials for releases, so to notify residents. Councilmember reported his update from Murphy Oil indicated the refinery is in the process of writing plans for spills and containment procedures for high water events. The release remains under investigation by the state agency. The amount of oil and water released and the tank number is unknown at this time. Reporting a pungent diesel or chemical smell in the neighborhoods around Murphy Oil, residents say the refinery denied any problems and asked the local fire department be called instead.
This is the third occassion in recent months that residents are aware of the refinery's inability to handle rainfall. This is the second time residents called the refinery and were told there were no problems only to discover later there were oil releases.

cloudy, tan discharge flowing quickly on Tuesday

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