non-attainment for SO2

Air modeling based on current permit limits would demonstrate exceedance of the one hour health standard for sulfur dioxide (75 ppb).   LDEQ would then determine different permit limits for the facilities; these lower permit limits would model attainment. 
LDEQ does not want to do that.

Update around the 25 minute mark

Lower SO2 emissions! Our health is suffering from such high concentrations of sulfur dioxide. According to EPA’s technical document for St Bernard Parish's designation of nonattainment, annual SO2 emissions at Rain CII Carbon are 4,284 tons per year; that is 8,568,000 pounds sulfur dioxide!! Rain CII's permit allows up to 7,000 tons per year SO2!!  (Murphy Oil) Valero Energy’s Meraux plant is a 125,000 barrels per day capacity with 753 tons per year SO2. However, Valero Energy’s St Charles plant is a 270,000 barrel per day capacity with only 238 tons per year SO2. Compare to ExxonMobil’s Chalmette plant, with 192,000 barrels per day and 250 tons per year SO2. Both Valero Energy and ExxonMobil operate several other refineries with better control technology that results in lower emissions. Why aren’t they required to make the same investment in St. Bernard?

ExxonMobil Chalmette is actually permitted to release up to 462 tons per year sulfur dioxide.  Both ExxonMobil and Valero Energy shut several units in 2012 and 2013 at various times for lengthy turnarounds. Modeling should provide information about what total permitted sulfur dioxide emissions will keep the air safe.  Currently, the air in St Bernard is not safe, it fails to meet health standards.

Sulfur dioxide non-attainment

The sulfur dioxide standard is 75 parts per billion.  According to EPA's AirData website Monitor Values,  St Bernard Parish's 3 year average of the annual 99th percentile sulfur dioxide concentration (2010 - 2012)

Chalmette Vista      255 parts per billion sulfur dioxide

Ventura Drive           data not available, not part of EPA/DEQ monitors.  The second highest reading in 2012 was 48 ppb SO2.  As of  2/11/2013, the second highest reading to date is 138 ppb.

Meraux site               28 part per billion sulfur dioxide
Meraux site data: 28 parts per billion SO2 – 2012 Design value (2010-2012 99th Percentile data). (2011 Design value of 26 ppb for 2009 – 2011 data and 2010 Design value of 32 ppb for 2008-2010.)

For the years 2008 – 2012, the "Meraux" site’s highest annual hourly average readings illustrate the upward trend in sulfur dioxide concentrations from recent plant modifications. The 2011 and 2012‘s highest annual hourly average readings of 58 ppb and 59 ppb are up from the 2009 and 2010‘s highest annual hourly average readings of 36 ppb and 29 ppb. In October 2012, around the same time of reported flaring at nearby Valero Energy, the "Meraux" site hourly average reading of 59 ppb included 5-minute readings of 76, 92, 109, and 88 ppb. These are the levels of sulfur dioxide that a school child on  the play yard would be exposed to within that 20 minute time frame. Evidence links such short-term exposure with adverse respiratory effects; this is particularly important when children are exercising or playing.  These peaks in sulfur levels illustrate the public health concern at Joe Davies Elementary School, where the "Meraux" site is located. 

" compliance with ambient air quality standards does not authorize emissions in excess of emission limitations."  

EPA  National Ambient Air Quality Standards

Louisiana DEQ designation recommendations[3]

EPA NAAQS Sulfur Dioxide and State Implementation Plan Requirements

LDEQ September 2011 Presentation to Stakeholders

Rain CII Carbon presentation

ExxonMobil Chalmette refinery presentation

Valero Energy Meraux refinery May 2012 example of sulfur dioxide emissions monitoring

ExxonMobil Chalmette response to request for information

Valero Energy Meraux response to request for information

ExxonMobil Chalmette emissions data

Valero Energy Meraux emissions data

Rain CII Carbon Chalmette emissions data

sulfur dioxide presentation
SBPG HRQLC information meeting on sulfur dioxide on March 13, 2013 around the 18 minute mark

The Parish Council also requested a presentation at its March 19 2013 meeting around the 1:57 minute mark

SO2 observations January 2013

SBPG HRQLC State Implementation Plan (SIP) process information from Louisiana DEQ  on March 27 2013 meeting around 1:29:25 mark.
 When asked if we lower sulfur in gasoline (for EPA Tier 3 mandates), if we take SO2 out of the gasoline, where will it go? "certainly we will not let it go into the air"

 New AQI Index  link on LA DEQ website

Community Alert system reported to be under development

LA DEQ air monitor sites, select Site Data, select "Ch_Vista" or "Meraux" 

Valero Energy air monitor site, select readings

Non Attainment and excess emissions.

EPA Docket 0322   excess emissions during startup, shutdown, and malfunction!docketBrowser;rpp=25;po=0;D=EPA-HQ-OAR-2012-0322

In this action EPA intends to propose to issue findings of substantial inadequacy for certain States whose SIPs are inconsistent with the CAA (Clean Air Act) and with current EPA rules and policies concerning treatment of a source's excess emissions during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction (SSM).

LDEQ meeting March 26 2013 with industries
From LDEQ:
From Concerned Citizens:

EPA Docket 0233   designation non attainment sulfur dioxide!docketDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OAR-2012-0233

Documents related to EPA's air quality designations and classifications for all areas in the United States for the revised 2010 SO2 national ambient air quality.



 Information Exchange Group Meetings

Ozone Nonattainment

 2013 Sulfur dioxide concentrations at or above 75 ppb

June 3 2013 at Ch_Vista 118ppb
June 1  2013 at Ch_Vista 116ppb, 120ppb and 140ppb.
March 4 2013 at Ch_Vista 82ppb, 75ppb, 122ppb, 142ppb, 161ppb, 108ppb, 184ppb, 206ppb, 171ppb. And 135 ppb on March 5 2013 at Ch_Vista .
February 21 2013 at Ch_Vista 108ppba nd 104ppb.
February 10 2013 at Valero 138ppb, 183ppb, 103ppb, 109ppb, and 128ppb.
January 13 2013 at Ch_Vista 173ppb, 144ppb, and 181ppb.
January 11 2013 at Ch_Vista 79ppb, 141ppb, 162ppb, 133ppb, 131ppb, 117ppb, and 84ppb.
January 1 2013 at Ch_Vista 95ppb.

amended agenda for HRQLC meeting on the industrial noise issue around the 12:30 minute mark

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