Monday, April 15, 2024

air quality alerts

 Both the Chalmette Vista and the Chalmette-Meraux areas of St Bernard Parish were subjected to toxic air emissions with in the last several days.

Valero Energy's Meraux refinery experienced a days-long flaring event that at times emitted dark clouds and high flames. LDEQ's network of air monitors does not include a NAAQS comparable source classified air monitor in that area; given wind conditions and lack of appropriate monitoring, it is uncertain at this time if this incident caused an exceedance of air quality standards. There was no alert made to the community. 

Heavy industrial sources in the Chalmette Vista area emitted toxic air emissions as measured at the LDEQ Chalmette Vista monitor as high levels of sulfur dioxide and an exceedance of air quality standards for the same. On April 14 2024, the Chalmette Vista air monitoring station measured sulfur dioxide one hour readings above the NAAQS standard of 75 parts per billion (ppb). The data from the monitoring station indicates the one hour average spiked above 77 ppb and the 5-minute interval levels of sulfur dioxide were as high as 119 ppb.  (select Chalmette Vista site and date range 04 14 2024 to 04 14 2024)

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