there is a hole in the flare and the apparatus appears tilted
March 22 2014
Jacob Drive Chalmette Louisiana. Some of these properties participated in a voluntary buyup for a permanent green zone buffer. This property was not demolished and instead plant workers resided here until their recent move.
Photos from GlobalRecycle at Valero NORCO sent in to
pipeline and canal issues
Valero Energy was asked to remove this watering pipeline from private property.
Below, litter and debris in storm water canal, Jacob Canal.
IF Trees could speak.......
A loving tribute to residents who planted trees, making this one of the loveliest neighborhoods in St Bernard Parish.
If Trees could speak .......a loving tribute to the residents who planted trees.
And these are just the large Oak trees in a small section of the neighborhood. There are many many more. Residents worked out an agreement with Murphy Oil to leave the trees when the buy-up houses were demolished. It makes for one of the loveliest neighborhoods in St Bernard Parish.
Living through FEMA Road Work
Gallo Drive Citrus Grove planted in 2011 by residents of District C to commemorate our district's revitalizaiton.
June 7 2013 flaring
February 10 2013
The Murphy Oil Company demolished the homes of owners who opted to sell their property. Representatives of Murphy Oil recently stated to a group of residents that the company can not build in the green belt. Yet, Murphy Oil has applied for a Commercial Zoning in the same area.

This Murphy-owned residential lot in our neighborhood has been allowed commercial usage for a construction company, over the objections of residents. Below is a Murphy-owned residential lot in our neighborhood; the driveway was conveniently left for exclusive use by a Murphy catering contractor. Such commercial usage of residential property is illegal. This contractor, who is also an executive board member of the local chamber of commerce, attendee of Murphy refinery CAP meetings, and relative of the local chief of police, has been offered a 'sweetheart' deal to purchase the residential lot for $10,000, despite the court order to Murphy Oil to use the properties to create a buffer. Later, the purchase price would be lowered to a few thousand.
Does garbage and large propane tanks stored next to a generator create a buffer or present an explosion hazard? would you want this next to your house?
Murphy Oil spill in neighborhood canal December 2009
Murphy Oil storm water management June 2009 Rain Event
Murphy Oil 2009 Incidents (in progress)
Neighbors Request Basic Fence Screen
Gulf Coast Civic Works

asbestos storage Arabi, Louisiana
doesnot have the required zoning
DEQ officials state:
DEQ regulates the conditions under which a storage site may operate in order to protect human health and the environment. We have no authority over zoning discrepancies. The zoning issue is a function of the Parish, and as such, a non-compliance issue will be handled by them
Residents wonder since the DEQ regulated conditions require appropriate zoning how is it the DEQ can allow this situation which in not protective of human health. The company is Cross Environmental, a State Wide Asbestos Contractor out of Crystal Springs FL.
slideshow asbestos demolitions St Bernard Parish Louisiana

EXXON's Chalmette Refinery
ExxonMobil Pipeline Easement