Thursday, May 31, 2012

Air Quality Report

Air Quality Report --  some of the higher readings from St. Bernard Parish's three air monitors:   :
LDEQ's CH_Vista in Chalmette Vista and Meraux at Joe Davies School available at this link.  Right hand column menu, click ON AIR icon, select site data, select either CH_Vista or Meraux.  Valero's Ventura Drive monitor in Floral Estates available at this  link.  For benzene and other VOC data, select Documents, click report to view.  

May 2012 Air Quality Readings
Sulfur Dioxide levels of 12 ppb can trigger headaches
EPA one hour health standard is 75 ppb Sulfur Dioxide
Ozone action day triggered at 75 ppb
Hydrogen Sulfide  1.4 ppb recommended daily exposure (WHO)
H2S ambient air concentrations from natural sources
have been estimated to be 0.11  ppb and 0.33 ppb.
Concentrations of H2S in urban areas are generally
less than 1 ppb H2S
Hydrogen Sulfide &
Sulfur Dioxide
5/1/2012 3am Ventura 4 ppb H2S
4am Ventura 3 ppb H2S
5/2/2012 9am Ventura PM10    - 33
2pm Ch_Vista 6 ppb H2S
Ventura 48 ppb SO2 
 3 ppb H2S
3pm Ch_Vista 3 ppb H2S
Ventura 120 ppb SO2  
Ventura  2 ppb H2S
5pm Ch_Vista 35.7 ppb SO2
5/3/2012 9am Ch_Vista 11.8 ppb SO2
10am Ch_Vista 11.3 ppb SO2
11am Ch_Vista 15.5 ppb SO2
5/4/2012 7pm Ch_Vista 23 ppb SO2
10pm Ch_Vista 4 ppb H2S
5/5/2012 1am Ventura 4 ppb H2S
2am Meraux 9.0 ppb SO2   
Ventura 4 ppb H2S
3am Meraux 6.6 ppb SO2
Ventura 4 ppb H2S
7pm Ch_Vista 26.9 ppb SO2
5/6/2012 2am Meraux 4 ppb H2S
Ventura 4 ppb H2S
3am Ventura 4 ppb H2S
Canister sampling results @ Ventura monitor
PM 10
5/7/2012 2am Ventura 3 ppb H2S
3am Ventura 4 ppb H2S
4am Ch_Vista PM10   - 45
Ventura 4 ppb H2S
5am Ventura 4 ppb H2S 35
6am Ventura 3 ppb H2S 34
2pm Ch_Vista 33.3 ppb SO2
4pm Ch_Vista 24.4 ppb SO2
5/8/2012 midnight Ch_Vista 31.5 ppb SO2
5/9/2012 5am Ventura PM10   - 35
5/10/2012 4am Ventura 4 ppb H2S
5am Ventura 5 ppb H2S
6pm Ch_Vista 31.2 ppb SO2
8pm Ventura PM10   - 39
10pm Ventura PM10   - 38
5/11/2012 12am Ch_Vista 13.0 ppb SO2
4am Ventura 3 ppb H2S
5am Meraux 4 ppb H2S
Ventura 3 ppb H2S
   9am Ventura PM10   - 44
2pm Ventura PM10   - 41
5/12/2012 9am Ch_Vista 50.3 ppb SO2
11am Ch_Vista 54.4 ppb SO2
4pm Ch_Vista 33.4 ppb SO2
6pm Ch_Vista 20.2 ppb SO2
Canister sampling results @ Ventura monitor
5/15/2012 5am Ventura PM10    - 56
5pm Ventura PM10 - 44
6pm Ch_Vista 34.6 ppb SO2 
Ch_Vista  3 ppb H2S
7pm Ch_Vista 65.6 ppb SO2 
Ch_Vista  3 ppb H2S
5/16/2012 2am Meraux 5 ppb H2S
Ventura 5ppb H2S PM10 39
3am Meraux 6 ppb H2S
4am Ventura 4 ppb H2S
11am Meraux 22 ppb H2S
2pm Ventura PM10   - 40
5/17/2012 5am Meraux 4 ppb H2S
SO2 monitor down at Meraux
3pm Ventura PM10   - 41
4pm Ventura PM10   - 41
5/18/2012 2am Ventura 4 ppb H2S
3am Ventura 4 ppb H2S
6am Ventura PM10   - 56
4pm Meraux Ozone 75 ppb
Ventura PM10   - 52
8pm Ventura PM10    - 54
9pm Ventura PM10   -61
5/19/2012 3am Ch_Vista 4 ppb H2S
5am Ventura 5ppb H2S PM10 44
6am Ventura 5 ppb H2S
9p Ch_Vista 31 ppb SO2
10pm Ventura PM 10 - 44
11pm Ventura PM 10 - 89
5/20/2012 2am Meraux 8 ppb H2S
3am Meraux 5 ppb H2S
4am Meraux 6 ppb H2S
5am Meraux 4 ppb H2S
Ch_Vista 8  ppb H2S
Ventura 5 ppb H2S
7pm Ch_Vista 14.6 ppb SO2
8pm Ventura PM10   - 45
5/21/2012 1am Ventura 6 ppb H2S
2am Ventura 5 ppb H2S
3am Ventura 4 ppb H2S  
Ventura  9 ppb SO2
6am Ventura PM10  - 62
8am Ch_Vista  PM10  - 56
10am Meraux Ozone  70
8pm Ventura PM10   -  60
10pm Ch_Vista PM10  - 63
11pm Meraux 4 ppb H2S    
5/22/2012 2am Ventura 4 ppb H2S
4am Meraux 5 ppb H2S
5am Meraux 6 ppb H2S
1pm Meraux Ozone  73
3pm Ventura PM10   - 45
6pm Ch_Vista 14.7 ppb SO2
8pm Ch_Vista 18.9 ppb SO2 
Ch_Vista  9 ppb H2S
11pm Ventura 4 ppb H2S
5/23/2012 2am Ventura  9 ppb SO2
2am Meraux 19.6 ppb SO2
Meraux 3 ppb H2S
3am Ventura  4 ppb H2S
6am Ch_Vista PM10   - 66
Ventura PM10   - 74
7am Ch_Vista PM10    - 64
Ventura PM10  - 55
9am Ventura  9 ppb SO2
noon Ch_Vista PM10   - 45
1pm Meraux Ozone  77
2pm Ventura PM10   - 66
5pm Ch_Vista 21.2 ppb SO2
Ch_Vista 3 ppb H2S
Ch_Vista PM10   - 42
6pm Ch_Vista  14.7 ppb SO2
Ch_Vista  14.1 ppb SO2
Meraux  8 ppb SO2
Meraux 11 ppb SO2
8pm Ch_Vista  12 ppb H2S
Ch_Vista PM10   - 49
9pm Ch_Vista  5 ppb H2S
Ventura  12 ppb SO2
10pm Ventura  11 ppb SO2
5/24/2012 2am Ventura 4 ppb H2S
3am Ventura 4 ppb H2S
4am Ventura 5 ppb H2S
Ventura 17 ppb SO2
5am Ventura 5 ppb H2S
Ventura 15 ppb SO2
6am Ventura 5 ppb H2S
6am Ch_Vista PM10   - 49
7am Ch_Vista 26.9 ppb SO2
Ch_Vista PM10   - 50
8am Ch_Vista 18.8 ppb SO2
9am Ch_Vista 25.6 ppb SO2
10am Ch_Vista 22.0 ppb SO2
11am Ch_Vista 33.7 ppb SO2
noon Ch_Vista 22.4 ppb SO2
1pm Ch_Vista 28.5 ppb SO2
2pm Ch_Vista 41.1 ppb SO2
3pm Ch_Vista 54.7 ppb SO2
4pm Ch_Vista 36.3 ppb SO2
5pm Ch_Vista 77.5 ppb SO2
6pm Ch_Vista 68.6 ppb SO2
5/25/2012 midnight Ch_Vista  15 ppb SO2
2am Ch_Vista 121.3 ppb SO2
Ch_Vista   5 ppb H2S
3am Ch_Vista  27.8 ppb SO2
5am Ventura 4 ppb H2S
6am Ventura 5 ppb H2S
Meraux 4 ppb H2S
7am Ventura 5 ppb H2S
Meraux 5 ppb H2S
8pm Ventura PM10   - 42
Ch_Vista 16.5 ppb SO2
11pm  Ch_Vista 7 ppb H2S
5/26/2012 3am Ventura 6 ppb H2S
4am Meraux 4 ppb H2S
Ventura 9 ppb H2S
5am Meraux 9 ppb H2S
Ventura 11 ppb H2S
6am Meraux 8 ppb H2S
Ventura 8 ppb H2S
Ch_Vista 4 ppb H2S
7am Ventura 6 ppb H2S
7pm Ch_Vista 11.3 ppb SO2
8pm Ch_Vista 15.4 ppb SO2
Ventura  6 ppb SO2
9pm Ch_Vista 10.2 ppb SO2
5/27/2012 2am Ventura 4 ppb H2S
Ventura PM10    - 50
4am Ventura 4 ppb H2S
6pm Ventura PM10   - 50
7pm Ventura PM10  - 60
9pm Ch_Vista 12.3 ppb SO2
Ch_Vista PM10   - 65
Ventura PM10   - 57
11pm Ch_Vista PM10   - 57
5/28/2012 1am Ventura PM10   - 56
1pm Ch_Vista PM10   - 53
2pm Ventura PM10   - 57
Meraux Ozone  64
3pm Ventura PM10   - 59
6pm Ventura PM10   - 56
Meraux 13 ppb SO2
9pm Ventura PM10   - 56
5/29/2012 midnight Ventura 14 ppb SO2
1am Ventura 14 ppb SO2
9am Ventura PM10    -80
10am Ventura PM10   - 60
noon Meraux Ozone 65
1pm Meraux Ozone 77
Ch_Vista PM10   - 47
5/30/2012 1am Meraux 13.1 ppb SO2
Ventura 15 ppb SO2
2am Meraux 15.0 ppb SO2
Ventura 11.0 ppb SO2
10am Ch_Vista PM10   - 63
3pm Ch_Vista 21.1 ppb SO2
4pm Ch_Vista 20.4 ppb SO2
5/31/2012 3am Meraux 4 ppb H2S
5am Ch_Vista 6 ppb H2S
6am Ch_Vista 5 ppb H2S
Ch_Vista 35.1 ppb SO2
7am Ch_Vista 5 ppb H2S
Ch_Vista 29.8 ppb SO2
8am Ch_Vista 15.9 ppb SO2
Health Standards
SO2 75 ppb hourly average
H2S 1.4 ppb recommended daily exposure
PM 2.5 35

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