Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Buffer For Sale
JUNE 1, 2010 7PM
Docket 5-10 Petition of Murphy Oil USA, Inc
for a zoning change of three lots from residential (R1) to commercial (C1) commercial usage of Murphy-owned residential lots
Lets All Join Together for Neighborhoods.
We are in opposition to a zoning change of three lots from residential (R1) to commercial (C1) behind the corner business on one of our neighborhood streets.
If the zoning change is approved, it will cause a decrease in property values. Added commercial and industrial traffic has already caused problems for the over two dozen children on this street and dozens more who live and play in the area. Creating such a traffic hazard increases the liability of the Parish and leaves these children without a safe neighborhood.
The same could happen to your neighborhood if the Parish continues to entertain such requests. With little to no public notice, the Council is discussing a parish-wide re-zoning of all properties within 250 feet of Judge Perez Drive, which could result in parking lots, dumpsters, commercial traffic and other nuisances coming to any residential street.
St Bernard Parish has more available commercial and industrial property now, than ever before, yet the integrity of all our residential neighborhoods appears to be expendable in the name of economic development. This type of zoning fails to meet St Bernard Parish's goal of economic development along with safe, productive family neighborhoods. Instead, this is spot zoning, and that's illegal.
Lets All Join Together for Neighborhoods. Here's what's happening in ours:
Murphy Oil entered into an agreement to sell some of its residentially-zoned property in the Ohio St. Neighborhood, on Despaux Drive, for $10,000 a lot. These properties, acquired by Murphy Oil pursuant the crude-oil-spill class action, Turner v Murphy Oil, originally sold for $44,000, $53,040, and $94,560, respectively. The court-ordered option to sell to the oil company was intended to create a buffer.
The perspective buyer wants to operate its growing catering business on the three R1-zoned lots behind the corner restaurant. Property is available on Judge Perez, but the buyer does not want to pay the higher price. If the re-zoning request is granted, commercial property will extend nearly 400 feet back from Judge Perez.
The St. Bernard Parish Council previously agreed not to rezone anything in this neighborhood until Murphy Oil provided two things to the residents of St. Bernard: 1) its Master Plan for the current facility and 2) a written plan of their long-term intent for the former "buyout" area. Only than could residents fully participate in an informed discussion to consider changes around the existing greenspace or buffer.
These dedicated neighbors were some of the first residents to return and restore their homes. They have already presented their vision for the revitalized neighborhood’s future and they have an equal right to the long-term security of their community.
The Parish Council will conduct a Public Hearing on June 1, 2010 at 7 PM in Council Chambers.
Comments may be submitted c/o the Council Clerk radams@sbpg.net , Mr. Lauga rlauga@sbpg.net , Mr. Cavignac gcavignac@yahoo.com , Mr. Henderson kwh3804@yahoo.com , Mr. Auderer fauderer@yahoo.com , Mr. Landry wlandry@sbpg.net , Mr. Ginart mginart@sbpg.net , or Mr. Everhardt fredeverhardt@yahoo.com
JUNE 1, 2010 7PM
Docket 5-10 Petition of Murphy Oil USA, Inc
for a zoning change of three lots from residential (R1) to commercial (C1) commercial usage of Murphy-owned residential lots
Lets All Join Together for Neighborhoods.
We are in opposition to a zoning change of three lots from residential (R1) to commercial (C1) behind the corner business on one of our neighborhood streets.
If the zoning change is approved, it will cause a decrease in property values. Added commercial and industrial traffic has already caused problems for the over two dozen children on this street and dozens more who live and play in the area. Creating such a traffic hazard increases the liability of the Parish and leaves these children without a safe neighborhood.
The same could happen to your neighborhood if the Parish continues to entertain such requests. With little to no public notice, the Council is discussing a parish-wide re-zoning of all properties within 250 feet of Judge Perez Drive, which could result in parking lots, dumpsters, commercial traffic and other nuisances coming to any residential street.
St Bernard Parish has more available commercial and industrial property now, than ever before, yet the integrity of all our residential neighborhoods appears to be expendable in the name of economic development. This type of zoning fails to meet St Bernard Parish's goal of economic development along with safe, productive family neighborhoods. Instead, this is spot zoning, and that's illegal.
Lets All Join Together for Neighborhoods. Here's what's happening in ours:
Murphy Oil entered into an agreement to sell some of its residentially-zoned property in the Ohio St. Neighborhood, on Despaux Drive, for $10,000 a lot. These properties, acquired by Murphy Oil pursuant the crude-oil-spill class action, Turner v Murphy Oil, originally sold for $44,000, $53,040, and $94,560, respectively. The court-ordered option to sell to the oil company was intended to create a buffer.
The perspective buyer wants to operate its growing catering business on the three R1-zoned lots behind the corner restaurant. Property is available on Judge Perez, but the buyer does not want to pay the higher price. If the re-zoning request is granted, commercial property will extend nearly 400 feet back from Judge Perez.
The St. Bernard Parish Council previously agreed not to rezone anything in this neighborhood until Murphy Oil provided two things to the residents of St. Bernard: 1) its Master Plan for the current facility and 2) a written plan of their long-term intent for the former "buyout" area. Only than could residents fully participate in an informed discussion to consider changes around the existing greenspace or buffer.
These dedicated neighbors were some of the first residents to return and restore their homes. They have already presented their vision for the revitalized neighborhood’s future and they have an equal right to the long-term security of their community.
The Parish Council will conduct a Public Hearing on June 1, 2010 at 7 PM in Council Chambers.
Comments may be submitted c/o the Council Clerk radams@sbpg.net , Mr. Lauga rlauga@sbpg.net , Mr. Cavignac gcavignac@yahoo.com , Mr. Henderson kwh3804@yahoo.com , Mr. Auderer fauderer@yahoo.com , Mr. Landry wlandry@sbpg.net , Mr. Ginart mginart@sbpg.net , or Mr. Everhardt fredeverhardt@yahoo.com
Monday, May 24, 2010
With Summer Vacation Starting soon, neighborhood children will be out and about enjoying the outdoors. This five foot hole on Lena Drive was reported to SBPG Public Works some time ago. More recently, Public Works was requested to properly fill the hole.
Any child could easy explore under the street, and with the lack of sidewalks, any walker or bike rider could easily be hurt.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Are You Ready ?
Listen up! Get prepared!
St. Bernard Parish Department of Homeland Security in conjunction with Duke Engage prepared this informational segment in 2007 to help St. Bernard Parish prepare for hurricane season.
Directed by Ken Winters. Produced by Sam Bowler and Joseph Lanser.
Are You Ready?
Trim a Tree - Save a House
Clear storm drain basins and drainage canals
Listen up! Get prepared!
St. Bernard Parish Department of Homeland Security in conjunction with Duke Engage prepared this informational segment in 2007 to help St. Bernard Parish prepare for hurricane season.
Directed by Ken Winters. Produced by Sam Bowler and Joseph Lanser.
Are You Ready?
Trim a Tree - Save a House
Clear storm drain basins and drainage canals
Monday, May 17, 2010
CANCELLED May 18th Meeting
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
MRGO Ecosystem Restoration
May 19, 2010
LPV Mitigation IER 20 - St Bernard
United States Army Corps of Engineers 100-Year Hurricane Risk Reduction Public Meeting
Open House: 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Presentation & Discussion: 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
NP Trist Middle School
1 Pirates Cove
Meraux, LA 70075-2646
MRGO Ecosystem Restoration
May 19, 2010
LPV Mitigation IER 20 - St Bernard
United States Army Corps of Engineers 100-Year Hurricane Risk Reduction Public Meeting
Open House: 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Presentation & Discussion: 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
NP Trist Middle School
1 Pirates Cove
Meraux, LA 70075-2646
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Three Inches of Rain

May 15 2010: Over three inches of rain in Chalmette today and NO FLOODING on Jacob Drive. The canal dreding must be working!!
Residents reported Jacob Drive back to pre-Katrina drainage capacity with the street clear during today's deluge. Yet, nearby Despaux Drive flooded, mid-calf deep in some sections.
With tomorrow's forecast, will see if the bank sides hold up.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Asbestos Troubles

Asbestos troubles. Ever since the EPA proposed to test burn asbestos at our landfill [1], it's been interesting to follow asbestos demolitions, asbestos slab removals, and now asbestos storage.
photo slideshow
The Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") has acknowledged that "there is no safe level of exposure to asbestos." 51 Reg. 15722, 15728 (1986) (emphasis added). "Diseases associated with asbestos exposure include asbestosis, mesothelioma, cancer of the lung, and cancer of the gastrointestinal tract."
On Tuesday's Council Agenda is a zoning docket, Docket 2-10, which would allow storage of asbestos on St Bernard Hwy. The company is Cross Environmental, a State Wide Asbestos Contractor out of Crystal Springs Florida. They have already set-up and are operating an asbestos storage site in Arabi, Louisiana, without the required local zoning, nor Chapter 5 Code of Ordinance's Application.

On Tuesday's Council Agenda is a zoning docket, Docket 2-10, which would allow storage of asbestos on St Bernard Hwy. The company is Cross Environmental, a State Wide Asbestos Contractor out of Crystal Springs Florida. They have already set-up and are operating an asbestos storage site in Arabi, Louisiana, without the required local zoning, nor Chapter 5 Code of Ordinance's Application.
DEQ officials state:
DEQ regulates the conditions under which a storage site may operate in order to protect human health and the environment. We have no authority over zoning discrepancies. The zoning issue is a function of the Parish, and as such, a non-compliance issue will be handled by them.
May 18 2010 Council Meeting Agenda Item #12
12. Summary No. 2653
Introduced By: Administration on 2/18/10
Planning Commission Recommended Approval on 3/23/10
Public Hearing Held on 4/20/10
Tabled by Council on 4/20/10
EFC Recommended Denial on 5/12/10
[1] On behalf of Concerned Citizens Around Murphy, Tulane Environmental Law Clinic (TELC) worked with Public Justice to stop EPA from conducting an experimental burn of asbestos contaminated waste in St. Bernard Parish that would have violated EPA’s own hazardous air pollutant regulations. TELC and Public Justice submitted a Notice of Intent to Sue the agency, alleging that EPA’s plans to experiment by departing from health and safety standards would treat “a storm-devastated Louisiana parish as a laboratory for illegal experiments.” In response, EPA dropped its plans to burn regulated asbestos containing material during the experiment.
12. Summary No. 2653
Introduced By: Administration on 2/18/10
Planning Commission Recommended Approval on 3/23/10
Public Hearing Held on 4/20/10
Tabled by Council on 4/20/10
EFC Recommended Denial on 5/12/10
[1] On behalf of Concerned Citizens Around Murphy, Tulane Environmental Law Clinic (TELC) worked with Public Justice to stop EPA from conducting an experimental burn of asbestos contaminated waste in St. Bernard Parish that would have violated EPA’s own hazardous air pollutant regulations. TELC and Public Justice submitted a Notice of Intent to Sue the agency, alleging that EPA’s plans to experiment by departing from health and safety standards would treat “a storm-devastated Louisiana parish as a laboratory for illegal experiments.” In response, EPA dropped its plans to burn regulated asbestos containing material during the experiment.
^ Notice of Intent of Concerned Citizens Around Murphy to Sue to EPA (June 3, 2008) http://www.tulane.edu/~telc/assets/Notice%20Letters/6-3-08%20CAA%20NOV%20to%20EPA%20Asbestos%20Burn.pdf
^ EPA Response to Comments, Disaster Debris Reduction Pilot Project – St. Bernard Parish (June 23, 2008), http://www.tulane.edu/~telc/assets/agency/06-23-08%20EPA%20resp.pdf
^ Notice of Intent of Concerned Citizens Around Murphy to Sue to EPA (June 3, 2008) http://www.tulane.edu/~telc/assets/Notice%20Letters/6-3-08%20CAA%20NOV%20to%20EPA%20Asbestos%20Burn.pdf
^ EPA Response to Comments, Disaster Debris Reduction Pilot Project – St. Bernard Parish (June 23, 2008), http://www.tulane.edu/~telc/assets/agency/06-23-08%20EPA%20resp.pdf

Pictured above, contractors work to remove asbestos from a residential slab.
more asbestos troubles
asbestos demo slideshow
recycling asbestos treated cement slabs
The Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") has acknowledged that "there is no safe level of exposure to asbestos." 51 Reg. 15722, 15728 (1986) (emphasis added). "Diseases associated with asbestos exposure include asbestosis, mesothelioma, cancer of the lung, and cancer of the gastrointestinal tract."
DEQ officials state:
DEQ regulates the conditions under which a storage site may operate in order to protect human health and the environment. We have no authority over zoning discrepancies. The zoning issue is a function of the Parish, and as such, a non-compliance issue will be handled by them.
On behalf of Concerned Citizens Around Murphy, Tulane Environmental Law Clinic (TELC) worked with Public Justice to stop EPA from conducting an experimental burn of asbestos contaminated waste in St. Bernard Parish that would have violated EPA’s own hazardous air pollutant regulations. TELC and Public Justice submitted a Notice of Intent to Sue the agency, alleging that EPA’s plans to experiment by departing from health and safety standards would treat “a storm-devastated Louisiana parish as a laboratory for illegal experiments.” In response, EPA dropped its plans to burn regulated asbestos containing material during the experiment.
^ Notice of Intent of Concerned Citizens Around Murphy to Sue to EPA (June 3, 2008) http://www.tulane.edu/~telc/assets/Notice%20Letters/6-3-08%20CAA%20NOV%20to%20EPA%20Asbestos%20Burn.pdf
^ EPA Response to Comments, Disaster Debris Reduction Pilot Project – St. Bernard Parish (June 23, 2008), http://www.tulane.edu/~telc/assets/agency/06-23-08%20EPA%20resp.pdf
EPA further stated:"However, if these materials are in poor condition and are friable or they are subjected to sanding, grinding, cutting, or abrading, they are to be treated as friable asbestos material." (See Federal Register/Vol.55. No.224 / Tuesday, November 20, 1990 / Rules and Regulations / p. 48409)
recycling asbestos treated cement slabs
The Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") has acknowledged that "there is no safe level of exposure to asbestos." 51 Reg. 15722, 15728 (1986) (emphasis added). "Diseases associated with asbestos exposure include asbestosis, mesothelioma, cancer of the lung, and cancer of the gastrointestinal tract."
DEQ officials state:
DEQ regulates the conditions under which a storage site may operate in order to protect human health and the environment. We have no authority over zoning discrepancies. The zoning issue is a function of the Parish, and as such, a non-compliance issue will be handled by them.
On behalf of Concerned Citizens Around Murphy, Tulane Environmental Law Clinic (TELC) worked with Public Justice to stop EPA from conducting an experimental burn of asbestos contaminated waste in St. Bernard Parish that would have violated EPA’s own hazardous air pollutant regulations. TELC and Public Justice submitted a Notice of Intent to Sue the agency, alleging that EPA’s plans to experiment by departing from health and safety standards would treat “a storm-devastated Louisiana parish as a laboratory for illegal experiments.” In response, EPA dropped its plans to burn regulated asbestos containing material during the experiment.
^ Notice of Intent of Concerned Citizens Around Murphy to Sue to EPA (June 3, 2008) http://www.tulane.edu/~telc/assets/Notice%20Letters/6-3-08%20CAA%20NOV%20to%20EPA%20Asbestos%20Burn.pdf
^ EPA Response to Comments, Disaster Debris Reduction Pilot Project – St. Bernard Parish (June 23, 2008), http://www.tulane.edu/~telc/assets/agency/06-23-08%20EPA%20resp.pdf
EPA further stated:"However, if these materials are in poor condition and are friable or they are subjected to sanding, grinding, cutting, or abrading, they are to be treated as friable asbestos material." (See Federal Register/Vol.55. No.224 / Tuesday, November 20, 1990 / Rules and Regulations / p. 48409)
EPA asbestos test
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
EFC Meeting
1600, 1601 Esteban and Two lots at 1600 Aycock
Wednesday 2pm
Item # 3
Compound motion to take from the table and discuss Summary No. 2655, an ordinance to approve Docket 4-10, a petition of the St. Bernard Parish Planning Commission to the St. Bernard Parish Council to consider a map change from "R, 1, (single family residential)" to "C-1, (neighborhood commercial)" for four lots situated in Arabi Park Subdivision, designated as Lot "1", Square "a"; Lot "29", Square "b"; and Lots "1" and "2", Square "c".
Let's All Join For Neighborhoods
St Bernard Parish has more available commercial and industrial property now, than ever before, yet the integrity of all our residential neighborhoods appears to be expendable in the name of economic development. This type of zoning fails to meet St Bernard Parish's goal of economic development along with safe, productive family neighborhoods. Instead, this is spot zoning, and that's illegal.
The same could happen to your neighborhood if the Parish continues to entertain such requests. With little to no public notice, the Council is discussing a parish-wide re-zoning of all properties within 250 feet of Judge Perez Drive, which could result in parking lots, dumpsters, commercial traffic and other nuisances coming to any residential street.
1600, 1601 Esteban and Two lots at 1600 Aycock
Wednesday 2pm
Item # 3
Compound motion to take from the table and discuss Summary No. 2655, an ordinance to approve Docket 4-10, a petition of the St. Bernard Parish Planning Commission to the St. Bernard Parish Council to consider a map change from "R, 1, (single family residential)" to "C-1, (neighborhood commercial)" for four lots situated in Arabi Park Subdivision, designated as Lot "1", Square "a"; Lot "29", Square "b"; and Lots "1" and "2", Square "c".
Let's All Join For Neighborhoods
St Bernard Parish has more available commercial and industrial property now, than ever before, yet the integrity of all our residential neighborhoods appears to be expendable in the name of economic development. This type of zoning fails to meet St Bernard Parish's goal of economic development along with safe, productive family neighborhoods. Instead, this is spot zoning, and that's illegal.
The same could happen to your neighborhood if the Parish continues to entertain such requests. With little to no public notice, the Council is discussing a parish-wide re-zoning of all properties within 250 feet of Judge Perez Drive, which could result in parking lots, dumpsters, commercial traffic and other nuisances coming to any residential street.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Lets All Join Together for Neighborhoods
Lets All Join Together for Neighborhoods.
We are in opposition to a zoning change of three lots from residential (R1) to commercial (C1) behind the corner business on one of our neighborhood streets.
If the zoning change is approved, it will cause a decrease in property values. Added commercial and industrial traffic has already caused problems for the over two dozen children on this street and dozens more who live and play in the area. Creating such a traffic hazard increases the liability of the Parish and leaves these children without a safe neighborhood.
The same could happen to your neighborhood if the Parish continues to entertain such requests. With little to no public notice, the Council is discussing a parish-wide re-zoning of all properties within 250 feet of Judge Perez Drive, which could result in parking lots, dumpsters, commercial traffic and other nuisances coming to any residential street.
St Bernard Parish has more available commercial and industrial property now, than ever before, yet the integrity of all our residential neighborhoods appears to be expendable in the name of economic development. This type of zoning fails to meet St Bernard Parish's goal of economic development along with safe, productive family neighborhoods. Instead, this is spot zoning, and that's illegal.
Lets All Join Together for Neighborhoods. Here's what's happening in ours:
Murphy Oil entered into an agreement to sell some of its residentially-zoned property in the Ohio St. Neighborhood, on Despaux Drive, for $10,000 a lot. These properties were acquired by Murphy Oil pursuant the crude-oil-spill class action, Turner v Murphy Oil, for $44,000, $53,040, and $94,560, respectively. The former court-ordered voluntary option to sell to Murphy Oil was intended to create a green-zone buffer.
The perspective buyer wants to operate its growing catering business on the three R1-zoned lots behind the corner restaurant. Property is available on Judge Perez, but the buyer does not want to pay the higher price. If the re-zoning request is granted, commercial property will extend nearly 400 feet back from Judge Perez.
The St. Bernard Parish Council previously agreed not to rezone anything in this neighborhood until Murphy Oil provided two things to the residents of St. Bernard: 1) its Master Plan for the current facility and 2) a written plan of their long-term intent for the former "buyout" area. Only than could residents fully participate in an informed discussion to consider changes around the existing greenspace or buffer.
These dedicated neighbors were some of the first residents to return and restore their homes. They have already presented their vision for the revitalized neighborhood’s future and they have an equal right to the long-term security of their community.
The Parish Council will conduct a Public Hearing in June in Council Chambers. Comments may be submitted c/o the Council Clerk radams@sbpg.net, Mr. Lauga rlauga@sbpg.net, Mr. Cavignac gcavignac@yahoo.com, Mr. Henderson kwh3804@yahoo.com, Mr. Auderer fauderer@yahoo.com, Mr. Landry wlandry@sbpg.net, Mr. Ginart mginart@sbpg.net, or Mr. Everhardt fredeverhardt@yahoo.com
We are in opposition to a zoning change of three lots from residential (R1) to commercial (C1) behind the corner business on one of our neighborhood streets.
If the zoning change is approved, it will cause a decrease in property values. Added commercial and industrial traffic has already caused problems for the over two dozen children on this street and dozens more who live and play in the area. Creating such a traffic hazard increases the liability of the Parish and leaves these children without a safe neighborhood.
The same could happen to your neighborhood if the Parish continues to entertain such requests. With little to no public notice, the Council is discussing a parish-wide re-zoning of all properties within 250 feet of Judge Perez Drive, which could result in parking lots, dumpsters, commercial traffic and other nuisances coming to any residential street.
St Bernard Parish has more available commercial and industrial property now, than ever before, yet the integrity of all our residential neighborhoods appears to be expendable in the name of economic development. This type of zoning fails to meet St Bernard Parish's goal of economic development along with safe, productive family neighborhoods. Instead, this is spot zoning, and that's illegal.
Lets All Join Together for Neighborhoods. Here's what's happening in ours:
Murphy Oil entered into an agreement to sell some of its residentially-zoned property in the Ohio St. Neighborhood, on Despaux Drive, for $10,000 a lot. These properties were acquired by Murphy Oil pursuant the crude-oil-spill class action, Turner v Murphy Oil, for $44,000, $53,040, and $94,560, respectively. The former court-ordered voluntary option to sell to Murphy Oil was intended to create a green-zone buffer.
The perspective buyer wants to operate its growing catering business on the three R1-zoned lots behind the corner restaurant. Property is available on Judge Perez, but the buyer does not want to pay the higher price. If the re-zoning request is granted, commercial property will extend nearly 400 feet back from Judge Perez.
The St. Bernard Parish Council previously agreed not to rezone anything in this neighborhood until Murphy Oil provided two things to the residents of St. Bernard: 1) its Master Plan for the current facility and 2) a written plan of their long-term intent for the former "buyout" area. Only than could residents fully participate in an informed discussion to consider changes around the existing greenspace or buffer.
These dedicated neighbors were some of the first residents to return and restore their homes. They have already presented their vision for the revitalized neighborhood’s future and they have an equal right to the long-term security of their community.
The Parish Council will conduct a Public Hearing in June in Council Chambers. Comments may be submitted c/o the Council Clerk radams@sbpg.net, Mr. Lauga rlauga@sbpg.net, Mr. Cavignac gcavignac@yahoo.com, Mr. Henderson kwh3804@yahoo.com, Mr. Auderer fauderer@yahoo.com, Mr. Landry wlandry@sbpg.net, Mr. Ginart mginart@sbpg.net, or Mr. Everhardt fredeverhardt@yahoo.com
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Parish Administration has been urged, since 2006, to protect the safety of our children, require off-street loading areas at neighborhood restaurants, and replace the NO TRUCK ROUTE signs.
A recent zoning change on Corinne Drive allowed for the $325,000 purchase of an (R1) residentially-zoned lot to change to (C1) commercial. Such changes, when implemented properly, accommodate food service and beverage deliveries, providing a safe exit for drivers without use of residential streets.
Another zoning change application on Despaux Drive, for three residentially-zoned lots behind the corner seafood restaurant, should require the same improvements. These three lots are adjacent to and surrounded by restored homes in an established, revitalized neighborhood.
If the zoning change is approved, it will cause a decrease in property values. Added commercial and industrial traffic has already caused problems for the over two dozen children on this street and dozens more who live and play in the area. Creating such a traffic hazard increases the liability of the Parish and leaves these children without a safe neighborhood.
Originally acquired by Murphy Oil pursuant Turner v Murphy, the crude-oil-spill class action, the lots sold for $44,000, $53,040, and $94,560, respectively. The former court-ordered voluntary buyout option was intended to create a buffer.
The sales agreement price is now $10,000 per lot. The perspective buyer, representing Murphy Oil before the Planning and Zoning Commission, is a member of the Refinery CAP, serves as a Board Member on the Chamber of Commerce, and is the relative of the Chief of Police. Concerned Citizens received communications from residents who reported what they perceived to be harassment and intimidation tactics by this business owner, who allegedly approached residents with stern instructions to withdraw opposition to the zoning change or as they say there would be trouble.
Citizens have the right to active public participation without such threats. "Concerned Citizens" publicly recognize this is not a corporate level representation of the Murphy Oil Company. None the less, it will not be tolerated.
The St. Bernard Parish Council, nearly two years ago, agreed not to rezone any land owned by Murphy Oil in this neighborhood until Murphy Oil provided two things to the residents of St. Bernard: 1) its Master Plan for the current facility and 2) a written plan of their long-term intent for the former "buyout" area. Only than could residents fully participate in an informed discussion to consider changes around the existing greenspace or buffer.
At the Planning and Zoning Commission's Special Meeting this week, Murphy Oil's representative for this docket was questioned by the Planning Commissioners on the status of these plans.
The representative said he had called Murphy, just that day; they had a plan, but were tweaking it.
Residents wonder how food service buffers them from the petrochemical plant and what's next on the menu ?
Murphy Oil Buffer For Sale
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Environmental Justice
Environmental Justice is the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people ..... with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies.
EPA has this goal for all communities and persons across this Nation. It will be achieved when everyone enjoys the same degree of protection from environmental and health hazards and equal access to the decision-making process to have a healthy environment in which to live, learn, and work.
For more information about Environmental Justice work in the New Orleans Region, contact CCAMLA1@gmail.com
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
2009 air emissions
Murphy Oil Meraux Refinery 2009 Incidents
Louisiana Department Environmental Quality
EDMS AI #1238
Louisiana Department Environmental Quality
EDMS AI #1238
Monday, May 3, 2010
oil in neighborhood canal again
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