Odor Log It & Call DEQ!
Concerned Citizens Around Murphy is an association of residents whose members are dedicated to revitalize St. Bernard Parish and renew the environment through public participation and resident advocacy.
Fill Out an Odor Log and Call, Write or Visit Louisiana DEQ Online
Residents are still pursuing answers to why there is so much recurring flaring.Home Rule Charter St Bernard Parish
The Charter was passed by 73% of the voters on November 8, 1988 and amended only four times since.
Public Participation
Over the years, this would be a familiar model of public participation. If
the panel was critical, its life was usually brief. Citizen oversight of one of
Michigan’s most powerful Fortune 500 companies would not be popular with
regulatory authorities, elected officials or more importantly, the Dow Chemical
Is this yet another exercise in futility or is it the finality so many of us
hope has arrived?
Do we participate in good faith? Eight years of Dow’s tactics of denial and
delay, eight years of frustration at the state’s impotence. Can the federal
government succeed? Can
the CAG succeed? Each individual active in this clean up will have to answer
these questions for themselves. I for one am not prepared to let any
opportunity to hold Dow and the EPA accountable slip away.
Terry Miller, Chairman Lone Tree Council
Thy Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbors House
Semi Annual Reports on Permit Exceedances
We want what any other St. Bernard Parish neighborhood would want; clean air, clean water, and uncontaminated soil; and for families and friends to live peaceful lives. As we restore our homes and revitalize our community we are preserving the integrity of our residential neighborhoods and improving our quality of life.
We join with our neighbors for neighborhoods to effect the ever changing decisions that empact our community by encouraging citizen particpation and providing advocacy for all residents who are committed to return, rebuild and remain in St Bernard Parish Louisiana