Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Carcinogenic diesel engine exhaust


diesel engine exhaust is classified as "Carcinogenic to humans"

PBF Energy's refinery in Chalmette, St Bernard Parish, and adjacent Rain Carbon CCI calciner are within a 3-mile radius of over 58,700 people, 39% low income, and 60% minority. 

Several areas of St Bernard Parish are exposed to a 95% to 99% national percentile diesel exhaust pollution (NATA diesel PM), and areas of St Bernard Parish which are not so exposed will be if the USACE and the State of Louisiana develop over one thousand acres forested wetlands into a massive international terminaling port.                 -- https://www.sostbernard.org/

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (AIRC) is part of the World Health Organization (WHO) One of its major goals is to identify causes of cancer. IARC classifies diesel engine exhaust as "Carcinogenic to humans." According to EPA, in addition to the lung cancer risk, there is significant potential for non-cancer health effects as well, based on the contribution of diesel particulate matter to ambient levels of fine particles. Exposure to fine particles contributes to harmful respiratory and cardiovascular effects, an to premature mortality.

From Our Friends and Fellow Residents in St James Parish and Members of RISE St James 

Chemical of the month --- PM 2.5     by Caitlion O. Hunter, Esq.

"The combination of high levels of PM in the air with other air pollutants in industrial areas is especially dangerous, since PM2.5 can form from or bind to metals and petrochemical pollution released into the atmosphere. Burning diesel as fuel releases a mix of incredibly small particles as well as carcinogenic chemicals; these two then bind together to make a PM that has been found to cause cancer in humans. "

A service program of RISE St. James; Caitlion O. Hunter, Esq.; Tim Schütz, PhD Researcher, Anthropology University of California, Irvine; and The Community Scientist (TCS) Research Team

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