Sunday, March 3, 2024

PBF Energy benzene update

 PBF Energy's Chalmette Refining benzene update

Under EPA's "Refinery Rules" for benzene emissions, LDEQ sent letter dated February 16 2024 EDMS document 14192807 to PBF Energy's Chalmette refinery because it's benzene fence line monitoring data for 4th Quarter 2023 is above the annual rolling average of  Δ 9ug/m3. At this time there is no public access to 4thQ 2023 data. Below graph displays PBF Energy's Chalmette refinery's average benzene concentration difference for the previous year Sept 2022 through September 19 2023. A red flag indicates a value above the 9ug/m3 action level.

LDEQ requested detailed information on 4thQ 2023 2-week sample results, identified causes of all the benzene levels above Δ9ug/m3, and detailed information on root cause analysis / corrective action plans. That information is forthcoming.

  • The EPA's benzene action level is 9 micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3) for the annual average Δc. An exceedance of the action level is not a violation of the regulation, rather it requires the refinery to conduct a root cause analysis and take corrective action to reduce emissions.

The 2-week benzene sample results for each monitor along an oil refinery fence line can be viewed on EPA's benzene fence line monitoring online dashboard, using the upper menu, select the refinery name, scroll down to the monitor tool / map and toggle to monitor trend. EPA's dashboard has not yet updated PBF Energy's Chalmette refinery's 4thQ 2023 2-week sample results. 

PBF Energy's Chalmette fence line monitors have reported elevated benzene levels for a number of years now; some of the higher 2-week sampling data reported as high as 120 ug/m3 benzene 2-week average. There is no public access to the real time benzene levels.

Although as of 3rdQ 2023 the EPA's online dashboard illustrates some improvements at PBF Energy's Chalmette refinery, there's plenty room for improvements to protect public health, especially given PBF Energy's close proximity to vulnerable populations.

In Chalmette, PBF Energy is adjacent to a local Sheriff Department's substation, adjacent to the parish jail, adjacent to the pedestrian / vehicle traffic river ferry, just tenths of a mile from OLPS Elementary School and less than a mile from Chalmette Elementary; it's across the street from family friendly neighborhoods and less than half a mile from a number of mobile home / trailer court neighborhoods. 

Our children deserve better. PBF Energy could be a good neighbor, lower its benzene emissions, and invest in St Bernard -- invest in the enhanced advanced fence line monitoring PBF Energy provides at some of its other refineries. Here are just two examples: select upper menu "monitors" and select chemical.

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