Sunday, October 10, 2021

Serial offender of environmental and human rights


 Formosa Plastics Group’s six-decade track record is “riddled with environmental, health, safety, and labor violations in multiple countries,” according to a new report  from the Center for International Environmental Law, the Center for Biological Diversity, and Earthworks. The report’s authors allege regulatory violations, accidents, human rights abuses, and disproportionate impacts on systematically exploited communities. The environmental groups say their report comes at a time when oil and gas companies are increasingly tying their future growth to the demand for plastics and the oil- and gas-based petrochemicals used to make them. Formosa Plastics Group is among the producers with major expansion plans, including proposals to extend its existing operations in several locations.

Formosa Plastics Group: A Serial Offender of Environmental and Human Rights (A Case Study) reflects two years of investigation and analysis of the conglomerate’s history by the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL), the Center for Biological Diversity, and Earthworks.

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