Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Keep Safety in Our Footsteps

We need to keep safety in our footsteps of rebuilding.

Last week's RDC meeting with the firechief revealed not only the lower number of firefighters in our local department and at both the major refineries, but also the lower number who actually reside in our parish. So to respond to a major accident at a heavily industrialized business we will have to call in backup from neighboring parishes.

What are we doing with pending expansions to keep safety a priority?

As the council and administration consider a Refinery Expansion at Cost of Our Neighborhood , they are presumably making room for an ambiguous expansion that will have an irreversible effect on us all.

Our community's only high school is 14 blocks from this refinery. Both middle schools are to the east. To travel east or to come up west, you have no choice but to drive thru the or the terminal and processing area.

We know the historic past of this refinery.

What are we doing other than false promises and ambiguous word games, to assure a safer, more responsible future?

As our government leaders help us press for the entire refinery expansion plans, we ask them to please keep our safety in mind.

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