CORRECTION: The LDEQ sent AQI Exceedance Notifications twice this week for Sulfur Dioxide levels in Chalmette Vista neighborhood. Both readings were at 3AM and have been changed to N/A for calibration of monitor.
Just when residents thought it was safe to leave the windows open with the cool Fall temperatures, the LDEQ sent out a notification when the Sulfur Dioxide reading spiked over night and reached a one-hour average of over 155 parts per billion The EPA health standard for sulfur dioxide is 75 ppb SO2. Sulfur Dioxide at the 12 ppb SO2 level triggers headaches and other adverse effects.
Site Data from the air monitor at Chalmette Vista Louisiana
The Louisiana DEQ issued an exceedance notice about the air quality being unhealth for sensitive groups: Sensitive Groups are CHILDREN, the elderly, & ACTIVE ADULTS.
-----Original Message-----From: DEQ AQI Notifications To: Sent: Wed, Oct 17, 2018 4:15 amSubject: AQI Exceedance Notification - Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality
AQI Exceedance Notification
The following DEQ air monitoring site(s) have detected elevated readings which have reached an "Orange" or "Red" level on the Air Quality Index (AQI). According to the Environmental Protection Agency, who sets most air quality standards, being at the "Orange" level means that levels are "Unhealthy for sensitive groups - People with asthma should consider reducing exertion outdoors", while a "Red" level is "Unhealthy - Children, asthmatics, and people with heart or lung disease should reduce exertion outdoors".
Chalmette Vista Site
139 SO2 | Unhealthy for sensitive groups 160.8 PPB 10/17/2018 3:00 AM |
This data has not been quality reviewed or validated. Continuous PM2.5 readings shown are not NAAQS comparable.
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-----Original Message-----
From: DEQ AQI Notifications
Sent: Sun, Oct 14, 2018 4:15 am
Subject: AQI Exceedance Notification - Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality
AQI Exceedance Notification
The following DEQ air monitoring site(s) have detected elevated readings which have reached an "Orange" or "Red" level on the Air Quality Index (AQI). According to the Environmental Protection Agency, who sets most air quality standards, being at the "Orange" level means that levels are "Unhealthy for sensitive groups - People with asthma should consider reducing exertion outdoors", while a "Red" level is "Unhealthy - Children, asthmatics, and people with heart or lung disease should reduce exertion outdoors".
Chalmette Vista Site
137 SO2 | Unhealthy for sensitive groups 155.6 PPB 10/14/2018 3:00 AM |
This data has not been quality reviewed or validated. Continuous PM2.5 readings shown are not NAAQS comparable.
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