
Friday, October 14, 2022

Save Lake Maurepas

 Tommy Tucker WWL 870 AM Radio

What is the Blue Hydrogen Project? October 13 2022 podcast

Cynthia Ebinger joins Tommy to talk about the the Blue Hydrogen Project  and whether its carbon injection plans could threaten Lake Maurepas' ecosystem.

Tune in to WWL 870 AM Radio again on Monday October 17tth for another discussion on this important topic and follow Save Lake Maurepas and Save Our Manchac for more information

Paraphrasing from the October 13 2022 discussion

Any big industrial activity that involves the Earth's ecosystem needs a watchdog and independent monitoring.

Carbon recapture is a new technology that injects fluid CO2 into the Earth's surface, under Lake Maurepas in this proposed project.

Louisiana as a State already has an extensive network of pipelines and the plan is to use the existing infrastructure.

The carbon will be placed under high pressure to become liquid carbon which is injected into the rock surface under Lake Maurepas where there will be mineral reaction to stabilize the liquid as the carbon becomes part of the rock formations. Ideally, this is to be done in areas with no faults in the Earth's surface, as surface faults would allow the carbon to resurface. When CO2 and methane resurfaces it interacts with the ground water. "You don't want to have happen." 

The State of Illinois has established best practices for this procedure and according to Dr Ebinger it is the expectation that the Louisiana Dept of Natural Resources will require those best practices, including additional monitoring, which Dr Ebinger had stated should be independent monitoring.

Its a rapidly changing technology. Its also considered a transitional technology to offset emissions from a new hydrogen plant proposal to meet zero emissions goals. It does not actually reduce the industry's emissions. It is unclear what the storage capacity of Lake Maurepas is for this type of carbon, as the new hydrogen plant is considered to be operational perpetually

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