
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

EPA Vetos Air Permit

As published in the December Federal Registry , the EPA responded in September 2011 to a citizen's petition to veto an air permit.

Represented by the Tulane University environmental law clinic, Concerned Citizens Around Murphy petitioned  the EPA to Object to the State issued operating permit for a benzene reducing unit at the Meraux refinery, formerly owned by Murphy Oil USA.  The petition shows miscalculations in the permit application and that the changes to the refinery are "major", triggering the requirements for more stringent pollution control technology.

December 2011 Louisiana DEQ response to EPA's order.  The LDEQ backs its decision to issue the air permit based on information in the original application.

Around the same time, the DEQ notified the refinery of deficiencies in recent stack tests on the sulfur recovery units and ROSE heater. ""For both of these tests, the specific conditions of the permit require that the tests be conducted at 80% of the maximum permitted capacity or greater. Since this was not done, the tests will have to be repeated at 80% of maximum permitted capacity or greater."  .

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