
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

EPA Renewable Energy Proposal

Renewable Energy Production Proposal

The EPA is evaluating the feasibility of siting renewable energy production on potentially contaminated land, at the former Kaiser Aluminum waste pit site in Chalmette.  The proposal calls for a possible renewable energy production site, such as a bio-refinery. Yet, a records request for a copy of or a link to the proposal was denied by EPA because "the proposals are not publicly available."

The St. Bernard Parish Council is considering accepting donation of the contaminated land.   
.6. Motion to accept the land donation of the parcel of ground for Brownsfield Project with the Regional Planning Commission. (Administration)

This parcel of land is located just east of the National Historical War of 1812 Battlefield and Cemetery at Chalmette.  A summary of the Phase I environmental assessment of the Former Kaiser Aluminum waste site, also available on RPC’s Brownfields website:, describes the small acreage available. EPA 's proposal for renewable energy in St. Bernard Parish.   Louisiana DEQ's letter of support.   Phase II environmental assessment has been done and will be presented to the council in the near future.
Given the poor zoning, lack of appropriate buffer, exceedingly high sulfur dioxide levels, and Louisiana DEQ's recent recommendation to EPA on St. Bernard Parish's air quality non-attainment status for sulfur dioxide, this contaminated land should probably not be used for another refinery, bio or not.  This would just be another example of how clean fuels create dirty neighborhoods.

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