
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Murphy Oil Meraux Terminal

Public Notice
Title V Part 70 Renewal and Modification

LDEQ Public Notice=

The LDEQ, Office of Environmental Services, is accepting written comments on a proposed Part 70 air operating permit renewal/modification for Meraux Oil USA Inc., P. O. Box 100, Meraux, Louisiana 70075 for the Meraux Terminal. The facility is located at 2501 East St. Bernard Highway, Meraux, St. Bernard Parish.

Meraux Oil USA Inc. requested a renewal/modification for the Meraux Terminal which currently operates under Permit No. 2500-00027-V2 dated October 25, 2007.

Meraux Terminal proposes the following changes to the permit:

1. Increase the throughput of the terminal from 675 to 1027 MM gallons per year;

2. Incorporate tank emission caps for Gasoline/Ethanol, Emission Point GE-TC, and Diesel, Emission Point D-TC, to allow for operational flexibility;

3. Incorporate the Case-by-Case dated March 5, 2010, and approved March 26, 2010, for an additive tank, Emission Point 4-3;

4. Remove Additive Tank, Emission Point 4-2, from the permit (an Insignificant Activity);

5. Incorporate a Wastewater Tank (Grey Water Tank), Emission Point T-GW;

6. Reconcile fugitive emissions based on the current modification and fugitive component audit;

7. Update Insignificant Activities List and the General Condition Activities List based on updated components, modification, and operating conditions; and

8. Reconcile specific requirements and minor updates based on the applicability and operating conditions.

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